about us


Basics Environmental, Inc. (Basics) was formed by Mr. Donavan G. Tom, EP, REPA in 1994 to apply his in-depth knowledge of the Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment industry, provide the required due diligence demanded by the financial industry, and compile data and recommendations into professionally-stamped high-quality reports quickly and cost-effectively in accordance with industry standards and client-defined protocols.

Mr. Tom has been involved with performing Environmental Site Assessments for real estate transactions since almost the inception of Property Transfer Assessments, as they were called in the 1980’s. Since that time, Mr. Tom has performed thousands of environmental assessments and has seen the industry mature and reports become standardized under ASTM in 1994 and AAI in 2006.

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Before forming Basics in November 1994, Mr. Tom served for some of the top national environmental engineering consulting firms, including AECOM/Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and Stantec/The MARK Group, Inc.

Through his experience with these firms, Mr. Tom gained the knowledge to perform cost-effective, high quality Phase I & II environmental assessment reports and reviews in a clear, concise and effective way demanded by the real estate and financial industries. Under the direction of Mr. Tom, Basics provides the environmental status of a subject property or properties that support your process in evaluating the “risks” associated with providing financing for transactions. Depending upon applicable federal and state laws, the costs of environmental cleanup could materially affect your risk of loss and/or impair the value of your security interest in the uses of the subject property.

Because environmental concerns differ from site to site, specific client requirements also differ. Basics consistently employs a phased approach. At the completion of a phase, Basics orally advises the client of the findings and prepares a summary report. If the data do not support a satisfactory level of confidence regarding potential environmental liability, Basics will submit a proposal for the next phase of work for the client’s review and approval of the work scope and cost. The client is always in control of the level of effort we provide. Basics is prepared to address these concerns by delivering site specific Phase I & II environmental site assessments that are always objective, systematic, and carefully documented.

Basics has developed expertise in assessing the impacts of present and/or past hazardous waste practices on air, soil and water quality. We evaluate the significance of this impact with respect to beneficial uses and public health, as well as assist in compliance with applicable environmental permits and regulations. Review of current and past facility operations and practices are conducted in a prompt and professional manner, and client confidentiality remains a primary concern throughout. Basics provides the appropriate inquiry into, depending upon the facts and circumstances of the subject property, the present and historical uses and the facilities present thereon. From these inquiries, Basics identifies conditions which indicate the advisability of further investigation.

Basics has a strong base of capabilities in dealing with regulatory compliance and hazardous waste management. Our approach includes beginning each project with a thorough and complete project plan in line with the client’s goals, followed by proper subcontractor management and cost control, finishing with smooth running operations and client satisfaction. Basics possesses the experience, technical competence, and objectivity to deliver the optimal solutions to each client’s specific needs. Our commitment is to deliver the solution on time and within budget.

Basics provides a solid understanding and record of experience in working with regulatory agencies at the local, state, and federal level on environmental issues related to real estate transactions. As Principal Consultant, Mr. Tom prides himself on his knowledge and application of federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations. The quality of our reports is highly regarded by the financial and real estate community. Basics reports have often been met with unqualified approvals or have been accepted without major revisions. This fact alone has consistently saved clients valuable time and expenses and resulted in expedited project implementation.